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Our Investment in Alyce

Reimagining Corporate Gifting

We have all been targeted by a generic email or direct mail campaign that seems to exist only to be placed in the bin without a second glance. Given the flood of low-quality content being hoisted on consumers every day, it is not surprising that even a well crafted email or postcard struggles to escape a similar fate.

Because of this, many forward-thinking companies have moved to an account-based marketing model that focuses on building a personalized sales funnel. But these companies face the same challenge – delivering the right personalized message for the prospect at the perfect time. Further, a new regulatory environment has made it easier than ever to opt-out of communication — raising the bar needed to engage a prospect.

Even companies who realize the value of gifting often fail to capture most of it. Most gifting is generic, labor-intensive, and disconnected from the analytics systems most marketing departments depend on to prove their value to the rest of the organization. Think about the typical branded merchandise out there – it has nothing to do with the prospects personal interests, or serves as a call to action for the prospect to engage with the company that sent it to them. At best it raises awareness, at its worst it’s another item for the bin. The shift to account-based marketing, coupled with the higher-than-ever saturation of marketing messages, has created an opportunity for tools that help companies rise above the noise.

And that’s where Alyce comes in. Alyce is a Personal Experience (PX) platform that takes a recipient-first approach to corporate gifting, swag, and direct mail. Its enterprise software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform provides an interactive physical or digital invitation to a virtual marketplace, and a secure redemption process so enterprises can authentically engage with prospects, customers, and employees in a thoughtful, relevant manner. Alyce doesn’t presume what a recipient wants, but rather lets them personalize and choose – thereby creating something of greater value for both parties.

In addition, Alyce integrates with leading CRM, marketing technology, and sales engagement platforms to enable sales and marketing teams to scale their outreach, pull insights to inform campaigns, outsource inventory management, and offer a wide variety of choices.

We believe that Alyce has reimagined the gifting category with technology and impact. We started working with them in 2019 and today we are proud to lead their latest funding round. Congratulations to the entire team at Alyce!



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